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Electronic Scrap Series

More and more electronics with a short life span continue to dominate our life. The ability to process such devises can be highly profitable.

Our innovative technology to separate composite materials allows an easier recovery of all valuable materials. 

E Series 

Electronic Waste Recycling Solution

Our innovative technology to separate composite materials.

Excellent for small household appliances, telecommunication, IT, hard disks, etc.

  • Excellent preparation for the final separation process

  • Up to 99.9% composite separation

  • Less than 50% fines created compared to other systems

  • 30 - 50% less power consumption compared to a shredder

  • Technical availability up to 95% due to easy and fast access to wear parts

  • Impurity detection system integrated

  • Automatic rotors stop function (<15sec)

  • Low increase in material temperature due to constant air flow

  • Highest occupational safety due to completely closed system

  • Permanent material extraction once final corn size is reached 

  • Fire/spark detection and suppression system can be added easily (optional)

System Integration

Electronic Waste Recycling Solution

Our innovative technology to separate composite materials.

New or existing recycling facilities, we provide you with the best solutions and support to maximize your recovery of all valuable materials in your material stream.

Our E50 can process up to 3t/h and our E80 up to 6t/h depending on your input material.


Contact us for a more detailed analysis of your material and a detailed quote that fits your needs. 

Input material: Hard drives

Input material: Printer

Input material: Power adapter for mobile phones, laptops, or small appliances

Input material: Extension cords and power outlets

Input material: Mobile Phones

Material examples

Examples of frequently seen materials in electronic waste.
Pictures show the input material and output material, before and after it was shredded with our E Series.

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